I. Overview


Mawuli Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Ltd. is a private enterprise strategically formed to empower healthcare providers and consumers with a fully stocked pharmaceutical and medical supply store for the first time in Ghana and the West Africa sub-region, improving their health and saving the lives of millions of people. It was duly registered on 11th February 2015 in the Registrar-General's Department in Accra with the registration number BN910392015. In the future, as part of the vision, we will have sister companies registered in other countries of the region.

With your collaboration, we seek to provide quality healthcare that will make a difference by improving the health of the people of Ghana and Africa at large. This proposal seeks to achieve extraordinary improvements in human health by providing a central wholesale pharmacy and 24-hour retail centres in some strategic locations in the capital, Accra, and all the regional capitals and densely populated cities of Ghana, where patients can access not only drugs and medical supplies but also some basic grocery items needed at night. We are also proposing a partnership with the government to establish retail facilities on their premises all over the country, with all the drugs that their doctors will prescribe for their patients so that they do not find themselves crisscrossing town in search of those infrequently prescribed drugs, which in some cases, they never find. A percentage of the profit goes to the government facility in which we operate, and this will help strengthen its auto-sustainability.

As the experience becomes successful in Ghana, we will extend our tentacles to disseminate to the entire continent of Africa where, except for South Africa, healthcare delivery in general, including hospitals and diagnostic tests, operates at the lowest levels in the world. The payment capacity of individuals in most African countries is on the rise as most economies develop to enter the lower middle-class range. African economies are among the fastest growing in the world. Today, the continent is poised to transform the global economic landscape. Annual growth is expected to average 7% over the next 20 years.

We are proposing to your organisation to have a joint venture with us to help solve the deficiencies in healthcare delivery not only in Ghana but also in Africa as a whole. Your organisation will leave a legacy and be remembered in the annals of history for the good it has done to elevate the quality of healthcare in Ghana and Africa as a whole.

II. Implementation

1. Getting familiar with the Code

1. MISSION CONSISTENCY: The organisation shall collaborate with other entities only if the relationship is consistent with the mission of the MPMS.

2. SHARED VALUES: The organisation shall collaborate on the basis of shared values, common ground, and for the good of society.

3. MUTUAL BENEFIT: The MPMS shall collaborate on the basis of equitable and genuine mutual benefit to each organisation.

4. TRANSPARENCY: MPMS collaboration shall allow financial transparency and a two-way flow of information, ideas, and experiences.

5. ADAPTIVE TO CHANGE: Collaborations are to be adaptive to change. Changes in the relationship are to be developed through cooperation, and not forced by one or the other organisation.

2. Raising an Issue

Any concerns about an interpretation, application or suspected violation of the Code that staff or other stakeholders are not comfortable raising directly with the staff concerned should be brought to the attention of the Ethics Advisory Committee (see below). If the issue cannot be resolved between the complainant and the Ethics Advisory Committee, then the matter may be brought to the attention of the MPMS Ethics Council. If it is felt inappropriate to raise the issue with the Ethics Advisory Committee first, the matter may be brought directly to the attention of the MPMS Ethics Council.

1. Concerns may be raised in person or by email through established secure and confidential mechanisms.

2. No one shall be discriminated against, disciplined, or reprimanded for reporting concerns or requesting guidance concerning the MPMS Code of Conduct, whether or not the concerns are established as valid or substantiated.

3. Advisory Committee

The Ethics Advisory Committee, which is composed of 5 member staff, is elected by MPMS staff through an election organised by the MPMS and subject to the endorsement of the Board of Directors after consultation with the CEO.

The Ethics Advisory Committee is elected for a period of one year and is eligible for re-election for a maximum of two further terms which may or may not be consecutive.

The primary responsibility of the Ethics Advisory Committee is to inform about the MPMS Code of Conduct and to give confidential advice on ethical questions to staff members and other stakeholders who request it. In addition, the Ethics Advisory Committee shall in relation to this Code also:

1. receive training on ethics at the beginning of his/her term,

2. facilitate ethics training for staff with support from the Ethics Council, the Human Resources Department and the Governance Team,

3. receive complaints in confidence where a staff member or other stakeholders have reason to believe that a breach of the Code may have taken place, and give advice to persons concerned,

4. inform all persons concerned about any outcomes reached,

5. report where appropriate to the Managing Director about concerns raised and outcomes reached, but without disclosing the identity of those making confidential reports,

6. maintain the registration file for gifts and make this accessible within MPMS,

7. ensure that the impact of the Code is evaluated on an annual basis,

8. collect suggestions for amendments to the Code and discuss them with all stakeholders, and

9. present an annual report to MPMS staff and the Board through the Board Ethics Committee.

The Ethics Advisory Committee will not deal with cases involving personnel issues, which have no ethical implications.

4. MPMS Ethics Council

The Ethics Council is composed of three members. One member is from the MPMS staff, the second from the management committee, while the third is from the board of directors. Members of the Ethics Council are elected for a period of two years and are eligible for re-election for a maximum of one further term. In relation to this Code, the Ethics Council shall:

1. receive ethics training at the beginning of their term,

2. assist the Ethics Advisory Committee in keeping the effectiveness of the Code under review,

3. assist the Ethics Advisory Committee in facilitating training and other ethics-related activities,

4. maintain a dialogue and convene at least twice a year with the Ethics Advisory Committee to review the work of the Ethics Advisory Committee and the Ethics Council, and

5. address issues or claims raised by the Ethics Advisory Committee, MPMS staff, or other stakeholders. To this end:

i. The Ethics Advisory Committee may request that an issue or claim be addressed by the MPMS Ethics Council. In meetings of the Ethics Council, the Ethics Advisory Committee will not disclose the identity of any person who has made a confidential report.

ii. If a staff member or other stakeholder feels it inappropriate to raise the issue with the Ethics Advisory Committee first, or if the response from the Ethics Advisory Committee is not considered to be satisfactory, they may request an issue to be addressed in a meeting of the MPMS Ethics Council.

iii. If considering a specific case, the Ethics Council shall agree on a third member on a case-by-case basis, which shall be drawn from MPMS staff. Decisions are made by majority vote.

iv. Upon such request, the Ethics Council shall be convened promptly, review the issues raised and claims made, and discuss these matters with the persons involved, except for persons having made an anonymous report. In such discussions, the Ethics Advisory Committee will maintain the confidentiality of any previous discussions held on a confidential basis unless the persons involved waive confidentiality.

v. The Ethics Council shall reach a conclusion and make a written recommendation to all persons involved and, as appropriate, to the MPMS Works Council, MPMS staff, the Managing Director, the Chair of the Board of Directors, and the Board of Directors.

vi. If a Council member is themselves involved in a suspected violation of the Code, they shall not be involved in the review of the case. A replacement will be co-opted by the remaining members, maintaining the balance between Director and non-Director level staff.

The Ethics Council will not deal with cases involving personnel issues, which have no ethical implications.

5. Shareholders
  1. SHAREHOLDER RELATIONSHIP. The directors, management, staff, and volunteers of the organisation shall not exploit any relationship with a shareholder or prospective shareholder for personal benefit or the benefit of any relative, friend, associate, colleague, and so forth.
  2. CONFIDENTIALITY. Privileged or confidential information regarding the shareholder or shares must not be disclosed to unauthorised parties.
  3. SHAREHOLDER’S PRIVACY. A shareholder’s privacy shall be respected, and the MPMS must safeguard any confidential information regarding the shareholder or the share.
  4. PRIVACY POLICY. The organisation shall have a clear and easily accessible privacy policy that informs the public what information is being collected on individuals and shareholders, how that information will be used, how to contact the organisation to review personal information collected and to request corrections, how to inform the MPMS that the individual does not wish his or her personal information to be shared outside the MPMS, and what security measures are in place to protect personal information.
6. Human Resources

A. Responsibilities of the MPMS
  1. CAPABLE AND RESPONSIBLE STAFF: The organisation shall seek capable and responsible employees and volunteers (collectively, “staff”), who are committed to the mission of the organisation.
  2. TRAINING AND WORKING CONDITIONS: The organisation shall provide proper training and orientation for new staff, and provide them with suitable working conditions.
  3. WRITTEN HUMAN RESOURCE POLICIES: It is to have written human resource policies (or an employment manual) for its staff, including basic aspects of employment (benefits, vacation days, sick leave, etc.), and other fundamental policies such as confidentiality of information, computer policies (use of computer resources for personal work, ownership of computer resources), drug and alcohol policy, conflict of interest, and grievance procedures.
  4. STAFF GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT: The organisation shall provide opportunities for individual growth and staff development, and foster an atmosphere whereby supervisors encourage personal growth of staff.
  5. FAIRNESS AND RIGHTS: All staff shall be treated with fairness and equity, and as individuals with rights to be honoured and defended. Their rights to freedom of association, conscience, and expression must be respected and protected.
  6. CODE OF ETHICS AND CONDUCT: Each staff member shall be provided with the MPMS’s code of ethics and/or conduct and any written human resource policies.
  7. COMMUNICATION OF SERIOUS CONCERNS: Key staff shall be enabled to communicate serious concerns to a member of the governing board or officer.
  8. STANDARDS AND RESPONSIBILITY: Staff shall be encouraged and guided in maintaining the highest standards of professional and personal conduct, and in taking personal and professional responsibility for their actions and decisions.
  9. CONFIDENTIALITY: Guidance shall be provided for staff with access to official documentation or information regarding maintenance of the integrity, confidentiality, and privacy of such information to protect any individual concerned.
B. Conflicts of Interest
  1. WRITTEN POLICY: The governing body shall provide staff members who have decision-making power with a written statement on how they shall handle potential conflicts of interest. Ideally, this statement will be signed by each individual at the commencement of their service with the MPMS and periodically thereafter.
  2. DISCLOSURE: Each officer shall disclose every institutional affiliation that he or she has that might possibly involve a conflict of interest.
  3. GIFTS: The MPMS shall establish a policy regarding gifts to staff members, such as requiring that staff refuse all significant gifts connected with their position, or turn them over to the organisation.
  4. USING POSITION FOR PERSONAL BENEFIT: Staff members shall refrain from using their official position, whether regular or volunteer, to secure special privilege, gain, or benefit for themselves.
  5. LOANS: If the organisation has provisions for making loans to staff, there is to be a policy describing how the loans operate, and all loans shall be disclosed to the governing body.
  6. BEST INTERESTS OF THE MPMS: Employees and staff should prioritise organisational goals over personal goals, putting the best interests of the entire programme ahead of individual desires.


7. Public Trust

A. Public information on the MPMS
  1. ACCURACY AND TIMELINESS: Information provided about the organisation to shareholders, members, clients, staff, and the general public shall be accurate and timely.
  2. ANNUAL REPORT: At least annually, the organisation shall prepare and make available to the public information on its programmes and services, and provide public access to appropriate records of those programmes and services.
  3. CONFIDENTIALITY: The organisation shall maintain the confidentiality of personal information on staff, clients, and others, unless the individuals waive this right, or disclosure is required by law.
  4. COMMUNICATIONS CHANNEL: The organisation shall provide a communication channel for the public should they wish to make enquiries regarding the MPMS and its activities.
  5. DISCLOSURE: The MPMS shall assign at least one person to ensure that the organisation is complying with national and local laws regarding the disclosure of information to the public.


B. Public advocacy
  1. ACCURACY AND IN CONTEXT: Information that the organisation chooses to disseminate to the media, policymakers, or the public must be accurate and presented with proper context. This includes information presented by the MPMS with respect to any legislation, policy, individual, organisation, or project it opposes, supports, or is discussing. Forward-looking projections are to be presented clearly as such, and not as fact.
  2. VERBAL AND WRITTEN STATEMENTS: The organisation shall have clear guidelines and approval processes for the issuing of verbal and written statements.
  3. DISCLOSURE OF BIAS: The organisation shall present information in a fair and unbiased manner. Where a possible bias is unavoidable or inherent, it is to be disclosed.
8. Partnership

A. General Principles of Partnerships and Collaboration
  1. MISSION CONSISTENCY: The organisation shall collaborate with other entities only if the relationship is consistent with the mission of the MPMS.
  2. SHARED VALUES: The organisation shall collaborate on the basis of shared values, common ground, and for the good of society.
  3. MUTUAL BENEFIT: The MPMS shall collaborate on the basis of equitable and genuine mutual benefit to each organisation.
  4. TRANSPARENCY: MPMS collaboration shall allow financial transparency and a two-way flow of information, ideas, and experiences.
  5. ADAPTIVE TO CHANGE: Collaborations are to be adaptive to change. Changes in the relationship are to be developed through cooperation, and not forced by one or the other organisation.


B. NGOs Relationship
  1. SUPPORT FOR NGOs: The MPMS shall express solidarity with campaigns and actions of NGOs, and promote the effectiveness and success of NGOs, when it does not compromise the integrity or values of the MPMS.
  2. NETWORKING: The organisation shall network with other ethical NGOs as a means for promoting the growth, effectiveness, and efficiency of the NGO sector and the ability to advance the public good.


C. Gov. Relationship
  1. MPMS OBJECTIVES AND INDEPENDENCE: The organisation shall enter into a partnership agreement with a government or intergovernmental body only when it is beneficial to the achievement of the MPMS’s objectives and does not compromise the independence or self-control of the organisation.
  2. APPROPRIATE AND MUTUALLY BENEFICIAL: The organisation shall seek to dialogue and cooperate with government and intergovernmental agencies when such cooperation would be both appropriate and mutually beneficial and could increase the MPMS’s effectiveness in dealing with issues and priorities in its agenda.
  3. MISSION-LED: The organisation shall not enter into a partnership with a governmental or intergovernmental body solely to promote the sustainability or competitive advantage of the MPMS independent of achieving its mission objectives.
  4. POLITICAL FAVOUR: The organisation shall not change its policies or non-partisan nature in order to curry political favour.


D. Private Corporations
  1. MISSION-LED: The organisation shall not enter into collaboration with a for-profit corporation if motivated by financial reasons that are independent of achieving its mission and objectives.
  2. PRIVATE OBJECTIVES AND INDEPENDENCE: The organisation shall enter into collaboration with a for-profit corporation only when it is beneficial to the achievement of the MPMS’s objectives and does not compromise the independence or self-control of the organisation.


9. Amendments

- The Code shall be reviewed regularly. Amendments to the Code or constitution shall be discussed with all stakeholders. Final changes must be agreed between MPMS Management and the MPMS Works Council, and must be endorsed by the MPMS Board of Directors.

- Proposals for amendments to this constitution or dissolution (see Clause) must be delivered to the secretary in writing. The secretary, in conjunction with all other officers, shall then decide on the date of a forum meeting to discuss such proposals, giving at least four weeks (28 days) clear notice.

- Any changes to this governing policy must be agreed by at least two-thirds of those members present and voting at any general meeting.

10. Audit Firm

Accountants and Business Advisors,
Farrar Avenue,
P.O. Box 1219, Accra.