A Private Organization

Mawuli Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Ltd. (MPMS) is a private enterprise strategically formed to empower healthcare providers and consumers with a fully stocked pharmaceutical and medical supply store for the first time in Ghana and the West Africa sub-region, improving their health and saving the lives of millions of people.

It was duly registered on 11th February 2015 in the Registrar-General's Department in Accra with the registration number BN910392015. In the future, as part of the vision, we will have sister companies registered in other countries of the region. With your collaboration, we seek to provide quality healthcare that will make a difference by improving the health of the people of Ghana and Africa at large.

This proposal seeks to achieve extraordinary improvements in human health by providing a central wholesale pharmacy and 24-hour retail centres in some strategic locations in the capital, Accra, and all the regional capitals and densely populated cities of Ghana, where patients can access not only drugs and medical supplies but also some basic grocery items needed at night. We are also proposing a partnership with the government to establish retail facilities on their premises all over the country, with all the drugs that their doctors will prescribe for their patients so that they do not find themselves crisscrossing town in search of those infrequently prescribed drugs, which in some cases, they never find. A percentage of the profit goes to the government facility in which we operate, and this will help strengthen its auto-sustainability.

As the experience becomes successful in Ghana, we will extend our tentacles to disseminate to the entire continent of Africa where, except for South Africa, healthcare delivery in general, including hospitals and diagnostic tests, operates at the lowest levels in the world. The payment capacity of individuals in most African countries is on the rise as most economies develop to enter the lower middle-class range. African economies are among the fastest growing in the world. Today, the continent is poised to transform the global economic landscape. Annual growth is expected to average 7% over the next 20 years.

We are proposing to your organisation to have a joint venture with us to help solve the deficiencies in healthcare delivery not only in Ghana but also in Africa as a whole. Your organisation will leave a legacy and ever be remembered in the annals of history for the good it has done to elevate the quality of healthcare in Ghana and Africa as a whole.

The Board of Directors of Mawuli Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Ltd., led by Dr. Emmanuel Yao Voado, MD, the Founder, with the astute collaboration of your organisation, will select the Management Committee that will oversee the day-to-day administration of the facilities. Your financial institution will leave an indelible legacy and ever be remembered in the annals of history for the good it has done to elevate the quality of healthcare in Ghana.

Our Mission

We are strategically formed to empower healthcare providers and consumers with a fully stocked pharmaceutical and medical supply store for the first time in Ghana and the West Africa sub-region, improving their health and saving the lives of millions of people.

To support the global health movement by effectively addressing global and regional issues through our advocacy work, collecting and providing information and knowledge on medical science and good health, and through innovative services and tools that help in curbing poor health, offering information on healthcare or referral information for health-related issues.

Our Vision

Extend healthcare to expand happiness: A world in which individuals, politicians, civil society groups, and the daily lives of people are free of diseases.

We want to provide a central wholesale pharmacy and 24-hour retail centres in some strategic locations in the capital, Accra, and all the regional capitals and densely populated cities of Ghana, where patients can access not only drugs and medical supplies but also some basic grocery items needed at night.

Our Values

We are grounded on the values of I CARE.

•    Integrity
•    Compassion
•    Accountability
•    Respect
•    Excellence


- Improve the delivery of pharmacy and medical supply services in Ghana and Africa at large.

- Have a central wholesale pharmacy and medical supply store where the entire nation can send their retailers for all categories of drugs and medical supplies to be distributed to points of retail pharmacy/medical supplies.

- Establish key retail pharmacies and medical supply stores near private healthcare facilities and near/in government facilities that will be able to offer all categories of drugs and medical supplies, so that patients do not wander around town looking for those drugs/medical supplies that are not frequently distributed.

- Provide these services on-site where numerous general practice and specialist physicians are located, making the needed medications and medical supplies more accessible.

- Ensure that patients have access to drugs and medical supplies that are not currently available in Ghana.


Your health, our passion.

Guiding Philosophy

The philosophy of Mawuli Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Ltd. is based on the reality that every human being is a unique individual and that we all have a right to good health and should have access to means for a comfortable life in one way or another.

Our Guiding Principles

At Mawuli Pharmacy & Medical Supply, Ltd., we are committed to respecting the following principles:

1. As coalition builders, we will work co-operatively with all individuals and groups, with/for-profit and not-for-profit corporations and organisations, and with governments and international bodies committed to the fight to extend health to the needy, subject only to the policies and priorities set by our governing bodies.

2. We undertake to be open, honest, and accountable in our relationships with everyone we work with and with each other. We endeavour to perform our duties honestly, faithfully, and efficiently, respecting the rights of National Branches and our colleagues.

3. We will be politically non-partisan and non-sectarian in our work.

4. We will treat and cure vigorously and courageously wherever sickness has been reliably identified.

5. The decisions we take will be based on sound, objective, and professional analysis and high standards of medical research.

6. We will only accept funding that does not compromise our ability to address issues freely, thoroughly, and objectively.

7. We will provide accurate and timely reports of our activities to our stakeholders.

8. We will respect and encourage respect for fundamental human rights and freedoms.

9. We are committed to building, working with, and working through national branches worldwide.

10. In our operations and recruitment policies, we will strive to create equal opportunities for all and achieve balanced and diverse representation with respect to gender and religion, as the diversity of the movement we serve requires.